
Street Voices of Change (SVoC) is a group of individuals who have current or past personal experiences with homelessness who come together to build community and make positive changes in the lives of people experiencing homelessness and the systems that contribute to and keep people in homelessness.

SVoC started in September of 2016 with a dozen folks in one church and has since grown to include multiple meetings at different member congregations of Align Minneapolis. The meetings are places where people invest in and empower each other to build a loving community that recognizes the trauma of homelessness and seeks to restore dignity in every aspect of the experience.

Street Voices of Change is a place that builds power among people who are too often punished for speaking up for themselves. In large supportive groups, Street Voices members have created spaces where their voice and input are not only heard, but sought out. Working together, SVoC continues to elevate the agency of people experiencing homelessness to positively affect their circumstances.

Our Vision

Elevate the voices of people with lived experiences of homelessness so all are equal partners in shaping the current experience of homelessness and ending it in the future

Our Mission

To build community and create spaces that honor the experiences of homelessness, and work for positive changes towards that experience in Minneapolis and across Minnesota

Our Goals

SHARE: Pass knowledge and experiences to open opportunities for those still in homelessness

EDUCATE: Hear from, and inform, the public and those in positions of power related to homelessness

ADVOCATE: Create positive change in all circles that impact homelessness

FOSTER: Broaden empathy and breakdown stigmas for those experiencing homelessness

SUPPORT: Build loving communities that honor, empower, and lift-up the experiences of homelessness

TRANSFORM: Empower everyone experiencing homelessness to find and keep stable housing

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Weekly Meetings


Central Lutheran Church

Thursdays from 8:30am-10am

333 12th ST. South, Minneapolis, 55404

Meal is from 8:30-9am. Enter on the parking lot side of building facing freeway.

Basilica of St. Mary

Fridays from 8:30am-10am

88 17th St. North, Minneapolis, 55403

Meal is from 8:30-9am. Enter at the door under the left of the grand stairs and go downstairs to the large hall.


Congratulations to Street Voices of Change on the honor of winning the Northern Light Award for Inspiring Organizational Leadership at the 2023 Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless Annual Conference!

The Northern Light Award shines a light on organizations that are making significant contributions to advancing housing stability in Minnesota.

Street Voices of Change Resource Sheet

This one-page resource sheet was developed by Street Voices of Change Basilica group to be used to empower people experiencing homelessness to find the help they need. This is great information to know to direct people to the resources in our community.

SVoC 2023 Accomplishments

For 2023, Street Voices of Change held two weekly meetings, and total attendance for each meeting ranged from 25-45 people weekly. SVoC Leadership met monthly to provide leadership for the group, make decisions on goals, plan for events and speaking engagements, and oversee the budget. The SVoC Fundraising Committee started in 2023 and hosted a fundraising event at a local brewery.

Street Voices of Change Speaker’s Bureau members participated in numerous speaking engagements throughout the year to tell their stories and share about the work of Street Voices of Change. These speaking engagements included forums at Align member congregations, a business leadership training, the City of Lakes Rotary Club, legislative events and the Twin Cities Housing Town Hall.

Street Voices advocated at the State Legislature for important changes to the Housing Support program to make it affordable for program participants. Efforts included individuals sending 12 letters to legislators, partnering with bill authors, testifying at a committee hearing, sending letters of support for committees, and lobbying at Homeless Day on the Hill. As a result, the Housing Support reform passed!

In the summer, SVoC hosted a BBQ at Loring Park and grilled steaks, burgers and hot dogs for the community.

Three SVoC members attended the week-long Midwest Academy Organizing Training in August to learn how to effectively do organizing work.

Street Voices of Change celebrated their 7th anniversary in September and had an anniversary party to celebrate!

Street Voices of Change, along with Align Minneapolis, was honored to receive the Northern Light Award for Organizational Leadership at the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless Annual Conference in September.

During the Third Tuesdays at the Nicollet Ave Downtown Improvement District office, SVoC hosted an informational table for multiple weeks to share about the group.

SVoC advocated for increased access to free laundry and partnered with the Basilica of St. Mary to advise on their new voucher program (named by SVoC) “Washing for Wellness.” The Washing for Wellness voucher program launched in the fall and SVoC is helping to get the word out into the community!

SVoC created a one-pager to help community members experiencing homelessness find and access resources and distributed the one-pager to the community.

SVoC members completed a Naloxone Training to understand signs of opioid overdose and how to reverse them

SVoC provided advice and guidance to Hennepin County on expanding winter warming options and participated in the RFP process to decide on providers for winter warming options- as a result there are now 24/7 options for people to stay warm during the cold months.

As work towards a Statewide Bill of Rights for people in shelter continued, Street Voices of Change provided feedback and participated in planning for legislation.

SVoC members participated in initiatives led by external partners including Hennepin County Housing Stability Workshops, Envision Community research regarding health disparities, Shelter Efficiency Meetings, Re-envisioning the Safety Net Co-Design sessions, and the Heading Home Hennepin Executive Committee.
